
Conference talks

Uth, B., Lührmann, J., & Stehle, H. (2024, Sept.). How do organizations responsible for green energy projects employ strategic communication to legitimate such projects? ECREA 2024 Conference, Ljubljana.

Uth, B., Stehle, H., Detel, H., Podschuweit, N., & Klawitter, I. (2024, Sept.). Expectations of reciprocal interaction: A Q-sort study with journalists and audience members. ECREA 2024 Conference, Ljubljana.

Uth, B., Stehle, H., Detel, H., & Podschuweit, N. (2024, June). Journalists’ expectations of journalist-audience interaction and relationship: A Q-sort study. ICA 2024 Annual Congress, Gold Coast.

Uth, B., Stehle, H., Podschuweit, N., & Detel, H. (2024, June). What does the audience expect when interacting with journalists? A Q-sort study. ICA 2024 Annual Congress, Gold Coast.

Lührmann, J., Stehle, H., Röttger, U., & Gehrau, V. (2023, Oct.). Zum Einfluss interner Kommunikation auf Internal Megaphoning – Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Mitarbeiter:innenbefragung [Results of a representative employee survey on the influence of internal communication on internal megaphoneing]. Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications and Media Language – Media Discourses Divisions, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Darmstadt.

Gehrau, V., Lührmann, J., Stehle, H., & Röttger, U. (2023, Sept.). The impact of internal communication on individual empowerment: Findings of a representative employee survey in Germany. EUPRERA 2023 Annual Congress, Prague.

Detel, H., Uth, B., Podschuweit, N., & Stehle, H. (2023, May). The impact of mutual interaction expectations on journalist-audience relations in digital media contexts: An exploratory study. ICA 2023 Annual Congress, Toronto.

Lührmann, J., Stehle, H., Gehrau, V., & Röttger, U. (2023, May). Personal values in internal communication and their influence on the opinion leadership of executives and employees. ICA 2023 Annual Congress, Toronto.

Podschuweit, N., Stehle, H., Büttner, J., Uth, B., Detel, H., & Wilhelm, C. (2023, May). Konsequenzen enttäuschter Erwartungen in Journalismus-Publikums-Interaktionen. Eine Literaturanalyse [Outcomes of expectancy violations in journalism-audience interactions: A literature review]. Annual Conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Bremen.

Podschuweit, N., Stehle, H., Büttner, J., Uth, B., Detel, H., & Wilhelm, C. (2023, May). Mutual interaction expectations and consequences of expectancy violations in the journalism-audience relationship: A systematic literature review. ICA 2023 Annual Congress, Toronto.

Uth, B., Stehle, H., Wilhelm, C., Detel, H., & Podschuweit, N. (2023, May). The journalism-audience relationship in digital media environments: A theoretical literature review. ICA 2023 Annual Congress, Toronto.

Lührmann, J., & Stehle, H. (2022, Oct). Personal values and executives’ communication: Findings of a literature review and a future agenda. ECREA 2022 Annual Congress, Aarhus.

Stehle, H., Detel, H., Podschuweit, N., Engelmann, I., & Wilhelm, C. (2022, Oct.). The impact of violated audience expectations in the journalism-audience interaction: A theoretical modeling. ECREA 2022 Annual Congress, Aarhus.

Detel, H., Uth, B., Stehle, H., & Podschuweit, N. (2022, Sept.). Austausch (un)erwünscht? Eine qualitative Befragung von Journalist*innen und Publikumsmitgliedern zu den Erwartungen a die wechselseitige Interaktion in digitalen Medienumgebungen [Exchange (un)wanted? A qualitative survey of journalists and audience members on the expectations of mutual interaction in digital media environments]. Annual Conference, Journalism Studies and Communication and Politics Divisions (DGPuK), Politics and Communication Standing Group (DVPW), Political Communication Division (SGKM), Trier.

Ecklebe, S., Lührmann, J., Stehle, H., & Röttger, U. (2022, Sept.). Internal stakeholders’ expectations of internal communication and the outcomes of their (non-)fulfilment: A modelling based on the Expectancy Violations Theory. EUPRERA 2022 Annual Congress, Vienna.

Stehle, H. (2022, Sept.). Citizens’ perceptions of dialogue: A Q study on the communication of energy projects. EUPRERA 2022 Annual Congress, Vienna.

Uth, B., Stehle, H., Detel, H., Wilhelm, C., & Podschuweit, N. (2022, Sept.). Die Journalismus-Publikums-Beziehung als Herausforderung für politischen Journalismus. Eine Literaturanalyse zu Verständnis und Modellierungen [The journalism-audience relationship as a challenge for political journalism: A literature review concerning definitions and models]. Annual Conference, Journalism Studies and Communication and Politics Divisions (DGPuK), Politics and Communication Standing Group (DVPW), Political Communication Division (SGKM), Trier.

Springer, N., Brantner, C., Wilhelm, C., Engelmann, I., Stehle, H., Detel, H., & Lobinger, K. (2022, May). The Online Communication Disinhibition Model: Toward a holistic understanding of benign and toxic online communication. ICA 2022 Annual Congress, Paris.

Wilhelm, C., Detel, H., Podschuweit, N., & Stehle, H. (2022, May). Investigating the journalist-audience relationship in the digital age: A multi-stage research project. ICA 2022 Annual Congress, Paris.

Stehle, H., Podschuweit, N., Detel, H., & Wilhelm, C. (2022, Febr.). Zwischen interpersonaler und Massenkommunikation. Neukonzeptionalisierung von Journalismus-Publikums-Beziehungen im digitalen Zeitalter [Caught between interpersonal and mass communication: Reconceptualizing journalism-audience relationships in the digital age]. Future Programmatics, Annual Conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Hannover/online.

Stehle, H. (2021, Dec.). Communicating energy projects dialogically: A qualitative analysis of the perceptions and expectations of citizens in Germany. International Online Scientific Conference “Sustainable Recovery in Post-Pandemic Era: Green Economy Challenges”, online.

Stehle, H., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Winkler, P., & Denner, N. (2021, Nov.). Von Wissenschaftstheorie bis zur Methodologie – Eine Diskussion zu theoretischen und empirischen Perspektiven in der PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung [A discussion of theoretical and empirical perspectives in public relations and organizational communication research]. Interactive panel, Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Mainz.

Stehle, H. (2021, Oct.). What do people perceive as personal communication? Results of a Q-study on internal communication. EUPRERA 2021 Annual Congress, Pamplona.

Brantner, C., Detel, H., Engelmann, I., Lobinger, K., Springer, N., Stehle, H., & Wilhelm, C. (2021, Apr.). Der Online Disinhibition Effect revisited – Enthemmung im Kontext digitaler Un/Sichtbarkeit [The online disinhibition effect revisited–disinhibition in the context of digital in/visibility]. Panel, DACH 21, Annual Conference (DGPuK, ÖGK, SGKM), online.

Detel, H., Engelmann, I., Stehle, H., & Wilhelm, C. (2020, Nov.). Gelungene oder missglückte Partizipation? Erwartungen in der Journalismus-Publikums-Beziehung als Chance und Herausforderung für Social Change [Success or failure in participation? Expectations in the journalism-audience relationship as an opportunity and challenge for social change]. 1st C4SC Conference 2020, online.

Stehle, H., Wilhelm, C., Engelmann, I., & Detel, H. (2020, Sept.). Interaktiv und deliberativ? Eine interdisziplinäre Modellierung wechselseitiger Erwartungen von Journalismus und Publikum im digitalen Zeitalter [Interactive and deliberative? An interdisciplinary modelling of mutual expectations of journalism and audience in the digital age]. Annual Conference, Journalism Studies Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), online.

Stehle, H. (2020, July). Building bridges in a digital and globalized world? Results of a Q-sort survey on journalistic role perceptions. Conference paper. IAMCR 2020 Conference, online.

Spachmann, K., & Stehle, H. (2019, Nov.). Persönliche Werte von Führungskräften und ihre Bedeutung für die interne Kommunikation. Eine Fallanalyse [Executives’ personal values and their meaning for internal communication: A case study]. 26th Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Münster.

Detel, H., Wilhelm, C., & Stehle, H. (2019, May). Integratives Potenzial oder spaltende Kraft? Eine Analyse wechselseitiger Erwartungen von Journalist*innen und Medienpublikum vor dem Hintergrund einer neuen Sichtbarkeit [Integrative potential or splitting power? An analysis of the mutual expectations of journalists and media audiences against the background of a new visibility]. 64th Annual Conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Münster.

Stehle, H., & Ulrich, A. (2018, Nov.). Glaubwürdigkeit und das Problem ihrer situativen Realisierung. Erkenntnisse aus der Rhetorik zur glaubwürdigen Kommunikation von Organisationen [Credibility and the challenge of its situational realization: Findings from rhetoric on the credible communication of organizations]. 25th Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Stuttgart.

Stehle, H., Kirchenbauer, A., Biesinger, A., & Spachmann, K. (2017, Nov.). Führungskommunikation in Veränderungssituationen. Eine Fallanalyse zu Kommunikationsverständnis und Bedeutung von Kommunikationsaufgaben [Leadership communication in change situations: A case analysis on understanding of communication and the significance of communication tasks]. 24th Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Vienna.

Stehle, H. (2016, Nov.). Der Beziehungsbegriff der PR-Forschung in Deutschland. Entwicklung, Dimensionen und Verwendung [The relationship concept of PR research in Germany: Development, dimensions and use]. 23rd Annual Conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Hanover.

Stehle, H. (2016, Apr.). Praxisorientierung in der deutschen Journalismus- und PR-Forschung. Verständnis und Bedeutung als Bestandteil historischer Fachidentität [Orientation towards practice in German journalism and PR research: Definition and role as a component of historical professional identity]. 61st Annual Conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Leipzig.

Stehle, H. (2015, Oct.). Communication management in a networked world – cooperation instead of control. EUPRERA 2015 Annual Congress, Oslo.

Stehle, H., & Huck-Sandhu, S. (2015, May). Dialog – a guiding principle for young public relations professionals? Results of a Q-survey among German professional newcomers. Preconference “Discussion, Dialogue, Discourse: Meanings and Methods” (Public Relations and Organizational Communication Divisions), 65th Annual Conference, International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan.

Stehle, H., & Spachmann, K. (2015, May). Funktionen von Journalismus und PR in der Kommunikationswissenschaft – ein Vergleich theoretischer „Settings“ [Functions of journalism and PR in communication science – A comparison of theoretical “settings”]. 60th Annual Conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Darmstadt.

Stehle, H. (2014, Oct.). Von Anweisung bis Orientierung – die wandelbare Rolle interner Kommunikation aus Sicht der funktionalen PR-Forschung und ein Systematisierungsvorschlag [From instruction to orientation – the changeable role of internal communication from the point of functional PR research and a suggestion for systematization]. 21st Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Pforzheim.

Huck-Sandhu, S., & Stehle, H. (2013, Nov.). Strategien und Modi der Online-Kommunikation. Ergebnisse aus Leitfadengesprächen [Strategies and modes of online communication: Results from guided interviews]. 20th Annual Conference, Public Relations and Organizational Communications Division, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Wolfsburg.

Spachmann, K., Huck-Sandhu, S., & Stehle, H. (2013, June). Media relations under pressure: What’s left in times of change? BledCom 2013 (International Public Relations Symposium), Bled.

Stehle, H. (2013, June). Business talking to business: Challenging organizational communication research regarding business-to-business communication. Research Escalator (Organizational Communication Division), 63rd Annual Conference, International Communication Association (ICA), London.

Stehle, H., & Mücke, D. (2008, Oct.). Communication relationships between executives and employees: A key factor in employee motivation? EUPRERA 2008 Annual Congress, Milan.


Invited talks

Stehle, H., & Lührmann, J. (2024, Apr.). Interne Kommunikation in kritischen Zeiten [Internal communication in turbulent times]. Sputnik GmbH, Münster.

Stehle, H., & Lührmann, J. (2024, Jan.). Interne Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten [Internal communication in turbulent times]. Zonta Club Münster, Münster.

Stehle, H. (2023, June). Becoming a PRo – von Kompetenzen zur Haltung [Becoming a PRo—from skills to perspectives and positions]. Keynote, create imPRessions 2023, Campus Relations e. V., Münster.

Stehle, H., & Lührmann, J. (2023, Apr.). Interne Kommunikation in kritischen Zeiten [Internal communication in turbulent times]. DPRG PR Lecture, DPRG Baden-Württemberg e. V., online.

Stehle, H., Uth, B., Wilhelm, C., Detel, H., & Podschuweit, N. (2023, Febr.). Investigating the journalist-audience relationship in the digital age: A multi-stage research project. Center for Media Engagement, Moody College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin.

Stehle, H. (2022, Sept.), Q-Methodologie und Q-Methodik und ihr Einsatz im Rahmen kommunikations- und medienwissenschaftlicher Forschung [Q methodology and Q method and its application in communication and media studies]. Kommunikations- und medienwissenschaftliche Tage 2022, Department of Communication Science (University of Salzburg), DGPuK, ÖGK, SGKM, Salzburg/online.

Detel, H., & Stehle, H. (2022, June). Journalist*innen und ihr Publikum im digitalen Zeitalter. Wechselseitige Erwartungen und ihre Folgen für Journalismus-Publikums-Beziehungen und öffentliche Meinungsbildung [Journalists and their audience in the digital age: Mutual expectations and their consequences for journalism-audience relations and the public opinion]. Colloquium, Institute of Media Studies, University of Tübingen, Tübingen.

Stehle, H. (2022, June). Journalismus-Publikum-Beziehungen heute – wechselseitige Erwartungen und Folgen ihrer (Nicht-)Erfüllung [Journalist-audience relations today—mutual expectations, their violation or fulfillment, and consequences]. Rotary Club, Münster.

Stehle, H. (2020, Dec.). Kommunikation in kommunalen Konflikten [Communication in communal conflicts]. University of Tübingen/Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, online.

Stehle, H. (2020, Jan.). Wann wird aus digitaler Kommunikation persönliche Kommunikation [When does digital communication become personal communication]? Executive Dinner, Cision Germany GmbH, Frankfurt a. M.

Stehle, H. (2019, May). Fact Checking gegen Fake News [Fact checking vs fake news]. Impulse, Southwest German Radio (Südwestrundfunk), Stuttgart.

Stehle, H. (2019, Jan.). Public Relations, Organisationskommunikation oder Kommunikationsmanagement? Ein Impuls zum Theoriekosmos der PR-Forschung [Public relations, organizational communication or communication management? An impulse regarding the theoretical cosmos of PR research]. Colloquium, Department for General Rhetoric, University of Tübingen, Tübingen.

Spachmann, K., & Stehle, H. (2018, Sept.). Manager als KommunikatorInnen – Interne Kommunikation von Veränderungen. Vorstellung von Studienergebnissen [Executives as communicators – internal communication of changes: Presentation of research findings]. Communication Congress, Federal Association of German Press Spokepersons (Bundesverband deutscher Pressesprecher, BdP)/Quadriga, Berlin.

Stehle, H. (2018, Aug.). Zu Sichtbarkeit als Erwartung an Journalismus im digitalen Zeitalter [On visibility as an expectation towards journalism in the digital age]. Workshop “Hide & See(k) – Visibility in the Digital Age”, Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), Bochum.

Stehle, H. (2018, May). Zur Sichtbarkeit von Organisationen im digitalen Zeitalter. Theoretische und empirische Perspektiven aus der Kommunikatorforschung [On the visibility of organizations in the digital age: Theoretical and empirical perspectives from communicator research]. Special Secion “(In)visibility in the digital age”, 63rd Annual conference, German Communication Association (DGPuK), Mannheim.

Stehle, H. (2017, Nov.). Von Anweisung bis Orientierung – das Selbstverständnis der internen Kommunikation aus Sicht der Forschung [From instruction to orientation – the self-image of internal communication from a research perspective]. Daimler AG, Esslingen.

Stehle, H. (2017, Sept.). Veränderungskommunikation zwischen Bedarf und Hype [Chance communication between need and hype]. Daimler AG, Stuttgart.

Stehle, H. (2017, Sept.). Von Anweisung bis Orientierung – was ist interne Kommunikation heute [From instruction to orientation – what is internal communication today]? Daimler AG, Stuttgart.

Stehle, H. (2017, Jan.). Persönliche Kommunikation – Herzstück oder Schimäre der Führungskommunikation [Personal communication – heart or chimera of leadership communication]? Conference on communication and leadership, Schader Foundation (Schader-Stiftung)/University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Darmstadt.

Stehle, H. (2016, Nov.). Interne Kommunikationsarbeit. Ziele, Zielgruppen und „Handwerkszeug“ [Internal communication: Aims, stakeholders and instruments]. Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg, Hölzen.

Stehle, H. (2016, Sept.). Kommunikation mit Bloggern. Erwartungen, Kriterien, Herausforderungen [Communication with bloggers: Expectations, criteria, challenges]. Southwest German Radio (Südwestrundfunk), Stuttgart.

Stehle, H. (2015, June). Kommunikation mit externen Stakeholdern [Communication with external stakeholder]. Keynote, Summer Academy, Federal Association of German Press Spokepersons (Bundesverband deutscher Pressesprecher, BdP), Stuttgart.

Stehle, H. (2014, Dec.). Veränderungen als kommunikative Herausforderung [Change as a communicative challenge]. Rems-Murr-Kliniken gGmbH/QuMiK, Winnenden.

Stehle, H. (2014, Apr.). Vorsprung durch Nachhaltigkeit. Nachhaltig handeln und kommunizieren [A head start due to sustainability: Sustainable actions and communication]. Kresse & Discher GmbH, Stuttgart.

Stehle, H. (2013, Sept.). Vorsprung durch Nachhaltigkeit. Nachhaltig handeln und kommunizieren [A head start due to sustainability: Sustainable actions and communication]. Kresse & Discher GmbH, Offenburg.

Stehle, H. (2012, Sept.). Nachhaltigkeit in der Unternehmenskommunikation. Nachhaltig handeln und kommunizieren [Sustainability in corporate communications: Acting and communicating sustainably]. Ansel & Möllers GmbH, Stuttgart.

Stehle, H., & Krüger F. (2010, Sept.). Erfolgreich über Energie und Wasser kommunizieren. Die Wahrnehmung von Stadtwerken in der öffentlichen Diskussion [Communicating successfully about energy and water: The image of municipal energy companies in the public discussion]. 5th Forum for small and medium-sized municipal energy companies, Ludwigsburg.

Stehle, H. (2010, July). Business talking to business: Analysing systematic communication in business-to-business relationships. Research Seminar, Manchester Business School, Manchester.

Stehle, H. (2010, June). Corporate Social Responsibility – Modeerscheinung oder mehr [Corporate social responsibility – fad or more]? Frankfurter Networking Night, DPRG/JP KOM, Frankfurt.

Stehle, H. (2009, March). Corporate social responsibility in public relations. Seminar “Current Trends in Organizational Communication and Public Relations”, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä.

Stehle, H. (2009, March). Management communication: Current issue in PR and still a gap in research. Seminar “Current Trends in Organizational Communication and Public Relations”, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä.